Posts tagged with "Chimengul Awut"


Aziz İsa Elkün
Translated by Sultankiz

Bu şiir, 2018 yılında suçsuz yere Çin’in soykırım kamplarında gözaltına alınan Çimengül Avut adına yazılmış ve ithaf edilmiştir.

Kaşgar’daki Çimenkuş…
Temmuz senden soğumadı,
Ahunluk’ta* ötüp dururdun dün
O yerden izin daha kurumadı.

Şunun için diyorum
Senin sonbaharda solduğun yalan,
Senin hapise girdiğin yalan!

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Chimenqush – a flower bird

Chimengul Awut, she is a well known Uyghur (female) poet and her pen name is “Chimenqush” (it means a flower bird). She worked for Kashgar Uyghur Publishers as a senior editor before she was taken away to the China’s Concentration Camps in July 2018. She’s good friend of mine, last time I have spoken with her on the phone in August 2016. Here is her shortest poem written for her son before her arrest. Poem extracted from her WeChat page. 

She wrote:

“My dear son
Please don’t cry
The whole world will cry for you!” 

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